Fruits is a full-feature Jamstack e-commerce application. Wanting to improve my React and learn some new skills during the pandemic, I enrolled in Wes Bos'
Advanced React course.
The course helped me built the app, but I had to figure out how to deploy it.
Test Account:
P: testing123
(Note: For best result, make sure backend is running before opening the frontend. Sorry I'm on free tier on Heroku!)
I have always been interested in creating intelligent chatbots. The very first chatbot I've ever built was very basic. It just utilized regex to predict the conversation.
Now with the advances in NLP and Machine Learning, there are platforms like IBM Watson Assistant and Rasa that can help you build and train intelligent chatbots.
Dbot is a chatbot that tries to represent me. It was built and trained using Rasa. It can improve the more training data I can give it.
You can try to chat and help the bot get better.
(Note: The repo is currently set to private, message me for access!)
A React app (served by Express) that lets you get lyrics for Spotify songs. Unfortunately, the Spotify Web Player only works if you are a premium user.
Spotify used to have the lyrics feature but was removed due to licensing. I love to read along with the song I'm listening to, so that is why I wanted to create this app. was a platform for various business modules such as a lead generator, a CRM, project management and financial tools. I worked with Apposphere to improve user experience by making modules more cohere and responsive. aimed to make the process of filing patent easier by making patent discovery painless. It utilized machine learning and natural language processing tools to parse through all available US patents and provided similarity scores for a patent idea. I designed and developed the frontend of’s search engine.
I wanted to create a nice simple blog that is both responsive and fast. After much research, I decided to utilize Jekyll and Google AMP. Jekyll offered a quick solution to get a blog up and running, while Google AMP optimized contents for fast delivery. However, with speed come great constraints since AMP have strict limits on what you can include in your pages.
A fun app I created with a classmate at Galvanize. The idea for this project is to provide a venue where you can upload and share posters of events happening around town. We just thought that posters are a great way to disseminate information. I contributed mainly on the back-end and authentication of this project.
This is the very first app I’ve created. I wanted to create a conversational interface that can be incorporated into any web page. The bot could answer simple questions or harder questions depend on how smart you make it. One possible implementation of the bot is to make the about page of any website more fun and interactive.
While exploring the idea of web-development, I enrolled in a one-month rails class to see how much I like it. This project is the product of that class. Albeit there was a lot of hand holding, I found making a web application fun and challenging, and it helped in solidifying my desire to become a web developer.